Today is leap day

So I thought I'd try out a little game

How were you like four years ago today?

How are you now?

What will it be like for you four years from now?

For some of us, four years ago we would have been fine in terms of our anxiety or other MH conditions and for others, the battle had already begun. One thing is for sure though, this time in four years, we all want to have won the battle and if we all stick together, I think we can do it

Four years ago - I would have been 19 and been with my bf for about 3 years at that point and living together for a year. I would have just started my biomedical sciences course at college and I had just started dyeing my hair ginger I already had OCD at this point as I had been diagnosed as a child years before and I had panics through my OCD but I didn't start getting them randomly and out the utter blue and them making me housebound until 3 years ago but 4 years ago was quite a stressful time so around this time, my panic disorder was slowly developing.

Now - I still get panics every day though 99% of the time I can ignore them or end them in seconds which for most people would mean I am cured of panic disorder as a lot of the time cure doesn't mean lack of symptoms, it means being able to deal with them, accepting them and not letting them hold you back any longer. OCD wise - that has gotten worse as has my depression along with it. I finally got an urgent refferal for therapy for that and I am in the early days of therapy so its too early to tell how its working but its nice being able to talk to someone face to face who understands my condition perfectly. Outside of MH problems, life is good. I'm engaged (have been for 3 years), still living with my partner and kitties. Mum's wedding is in April and her hen night is next month so I have that to look forward to. Papa is still waiting on his transplant though. He was high up the list but he had peritonitis a month ago and that has made him slip down again. I did quit uni. Right now I am not regretting the choice as it felt like the right thing to do but who knows, I may regret it in the future but I'll just have to live with it.

Four years from now - I'll be married to my bf by then, hopefully have a nicer flat or house, have more cats, be cured of OCD and panic disorder 100% instead of just treating it, have a job working with animals, hoping papa will have had his transplant and he will he happy and healthy, finally passed my driving lessons. Generally I just want to be happy and healthy in the future.