I am brand new to this site and wanted to post to feel that I am not alone with this.
I suffer with GAD and Post traumatic stress which I have been having therapy on and off for 3 years now.
Whilst I sit here at work, I am having a panic attack. Nobody knows this and I feel that no one understands. But my head is tight (which I panic is a brain haemmorage). I feel dizzy (which I am afraid I will collapse).
It's the fear of collapsing and dying and no one being able to help me. Every symptom feels like its going to kill me and I am paranoid to the point of not wanting to leave the house.
I have tried everything from CBT to currently CAT, hypnotherapy etc and I just can't find the way to ACCEPT the anxieties, the fears and the intrusive thoughts. They scare me every day and several times a day.
My husband is thoroughly supportive but do any of you feel that you are still alone?
My parents particularly my Dad shout at me to pull myself together and my Mum struggles to accept the feelings and just tells me that I won't die which doesn't reassure me.
I worry that I have also cried wolf and that no one will believe me or be there to help when I actually am in need.
Sorry for rambling.. Just feel so lost at the moment.