I've been taking it for about 2 years now, mostly 50mg a day in one dose. It's given me a problem with weight gain however and I would crave sugar at night. Anxiety problems have slowly diminished too so I tried to come off it slowly by taking a quarter less each night. Finally I got to a day where I only took a quarter and the next day I didn't intend to have any and things became problematic very quickly.

I was up all night, completely unable to sleep. I nodded off at about 8am and then woke up again after 3 hours. Was awake again all afternoon and evening unable to sleep. I managed to get to sleep again just after sunset, but once again I woke up after 3 hours unable to get back to sleep. Finally I gave up and took a 25mg pill. Had a very long sleep all night and through most of the next day. When I woke up I was feeling much more anxious than I had recently. After a few hours, I felt dizzy, shaking and anxiety levels skyrocketed. I took another single 25mg dose and I feel better now, but not perfect.

I don't know how much of what' happened has been caused by coming off the pills. I don't want to be dependant on them especially as they've made me fat lol, but it seems I am. I'm not aware that they're in anyway addictive. Is being unable to sleep a normal withdrawal symptom if withdrawal is indeed what I'm going through. How are you supposed to come off them without suffering? Maybe this is a sign that I still need them and shouldn't come off, I dunno. I don't know what to do