So I'm getting what I hope is a warning mid forties bit over weight not fit enough usual advice off doc , I don't smoke don't drink much these days high blood pressure , so what I want to change is what I drink and eat , looked on the net and it seems I can eat nuts berries and water there must be more , tried lemon and ginger tea out in my camper van this morning had to check the pack that it wasn't toilet cleaner , I've got used to camomile tea ( or camal piss tea as I've nicknamed it ) sugar pop is bad sugar free is now considered bad orange juice bad unless you water it down till it tastes crap , flavoured water bad , no coffee no tea , am I missing somthing , might start drinking out of puddles my dogs seem to like it better than the water at home , this health trip is going to be harder than I thought , any suggestions would be appreciated , thanks .