So on Monday I had blood tests done to test for pretty much everything possible.
I was worried about so many symptoms and self diagnosed myself with so many different cancers and diseases with the help of dr Google.

Today I got a text from my Dr personally saying 'hi jodie. all your bloods came back completely normal, including the cancer check. great news - stop worrying. See you monday' (I'm pretty sure a few of you knew this would be the result anyway. I thank you all for your support)

I am over the moon to say the least, feeling very blessed and a little bit silly.
It's funny how a few of my 'symptoms' have disappeared since I received that text!

Anxiety is so much bigger than I thought, it's a lot more complicated than people know. It's taken over my life the past few months and hopefully now my mind is satisfied with the blood results I can get past the health worries and tackle my anxiety and beat it for the last time!!