Hello cit family,
I hope you are all well.

Been giving this forum a wide berth lately as I find constantly talking about how I'm feeling makes me worse.
Some of you may have seen I was in a terrible place a month ago but now I'm feeling much better
The support of fellow sufferers on this website is wonderful.

A little update on my progress: been on citalopram 20mg for just over 8 weeks and this morning I went to the doctors and I'm increasing to 30 today (thinking about taking 20 in the morning and 10 at night.
I don't have any more side effects just constant anxiety at a much more manageable level and soon I know it will f**k off completely.

Other things I find help:
• not dwelling and feeling sorry for myself anymore
• gym 5 times a week
• hobbies.. I've started volunteering for the youth service and joined an adult gymnastics group (lol). I'm also starting yoga today (wish me luck!)
I also have my driving test in 6 weeks so I have a focus.
• carrying on as normal (despite how I feel)
• camomile tea
• relaxation CDs (visualisations)
• acting as a none anxious person
• realising that it is just a thought process and that symtoms are brought on by inappropriate response to extreme emotion. It can't harm us!

Take care everyone