Ugh, another health fear. And I'd been doing so well.

Saturday evening I went for a run and was bitten by a mosquito. I know that's what bit me because I saw it on my arm and was able to smash it.

The bite is now large and red - larger than my typical mosquito bites, for sure. It oddly doesn't really itch.

Well, today I discovered my arm is sore when I move it. Right on the inside of my elbow where my veins are; it kind of feels like when you have blood drawn and the nurse wasn't especially skilled. The bite itself is located above my wrist, so not in that location but on the same arm.

I refuse to Google so now I've just resorted to scaring myself that by choosing to go out for a run I have contracted a terrible illness and am going to die.

I intend to ask my mother tonight if it seems "sinister" to her or not the meantime I feel awful. In addition to the pain I have a headache (which I acknowledge could be due to poor sleeping position and/or tooth grinding) and general malaise (which I acknowledge can be due to massive stress over this and/or allergies).

But yikes. I hate this. Anyone ever had this happen before?