Hi all,

I am suffering from what I think might be post natal anxiety. My second baby girl was born last April and suffered from very bad reflux and dairy intolerance. I haven't slept properly in over a year. It all began to take its toll on my well being, with sleep less nights and extreme ongoing stress. My baby would scream and cry day and night. I began having feelings of doom...a horrible feeling of dread in the middle of the night. I felt trapped, and panicked. This gradually progressed to a general feeling of being on edge all the time, and I became unable to relax even when there was nothing to worry about. It has since progressed to more physical symptoms of migraine aura (not sure if this is stress related but it does seem to be!), and most recently having a spaced out feeling and being unable to focus my eyes...a very strange feeling. I have become so worried and now constantly worry about my health and worry that something serious is wrong with me. I have been to the doctor and they have signed me off work with depression/anxiety. I just don't know how to break out of this....sometimes it just feels like I am trapped inside my own mind driving myself crazy!! I'm not even 100% that all this is anxiety related....being unable to focus my eyes is really scaring me and making it so difficult to care for my two girls. Any hep or tips on how to break out of this greatly appreciated !! Thanks.