I recently posted in the anxiety section as I believed that I was suffering anxiety/OCD as a by-product of getting treated for an eating disorder. I've realised, however, that what I'm experiencing seems to be a string of panic attacks.

I've read a lot about the symptoms of panic attacks and it seems that for me, the attacks either come out of the blue, or I feel a physical symptom of anxiety (e.g. weak legs or dizziness) which then brings on an attack. My attacks are different every time - sometimes my heart races, but more often then not it doesn't. Sometimes I go dizzy, sometimes my limbs go weak. My thoughts always rush during an attack but the rushing thoughts are always something different. And the fear is always overwhelming.

I'm desperately trying to find a trigger so that I can try and rationalise the panic attacks, and I thought it was work as I experience them almost everyday whilst I'm sat at my desk. However, I had an attack at the weekend which has really put the fear in me because I don't understand it. Yes I was tired and yes I'd had a few beers and I was walking between pubs when it hit. My legs went like jelly, my vision became blurred, my heart raced and I felt in a surreal world.

I guess what I'm asking here is does anyone know how one can find the cause of panic attacks? I'm stuck in a horrible cycle of panic, fear of panic, panic, and I constantly feel tense and I'm constantly waiting for the next episode. I really need some relief...