Im extremely new to this type of OCD, or atleast the symptoms. Im constantly repeating things in my head, whether it just be thoughts or something someone says. I also notice myself repeating people in my head as they are speaking. I also notice that sometimes when I think or have internal dialogue, I can feel my tongue and vocal cords moving as if I am trying to speak the thoughts, but I am keeping myself from doing so, its hard to explain. These arent things that I cannot control, they are not compulsions because they are automatic. I also suffer from intrusive thoughts, both in the form of violence and suicide, things I would never do, to just intrusive thoughts in general.

Does anyone have this that can explain what is going on? Why is this suddenly appearing? Ive always had GAD, since I was a kid, also diagnosed with "OCD Tendencies" which I never understood because I never had these issues. Im also on 100mg of Zoloft, but it doesnt appear to be helping too much in the last 9 weeks or so that I have been on it.

The OCD symptoms cause me a lot of anxiety and I thought I was was going crazy the last few months. These issues didnt really start until I had extreme anxiety due to cold turkeying SSRIs. Do you think the SSRIs could have caused the OCD, or was it just manifested through the extreme anxiety?

Anyway, sorry for the long post. Any help would be greatly appreciated.