I have a neurology appointment tomorrow and I'm a little bit terrified.. I've had severe GAD my whole life and a little bit of HA. But more recently after several traumatic bouts with severe anxiety and adverse reactions to medication, I'm stuck feeling very detached and disconnected.

I sort of explained this in another post on the GAD forum, but..

I feel like I'm living in a constant mental fog.. I can't feel anything around me and when I'm outside it feels like I can't take anything in or process anything. I can't FEEL anything outside of myself and I literally feel like I'm CONSTANTLY trapped inside my own head, like my thoughts are no longer an ally. My memory has decayed and I feel like I'm living moment to moment. I worry that I have to constantly write everything I feel down or I will totally forget it and not be able to work it through it later because I won't remember. Thats how poor my memory has become, alongside not being able to remember names or find the right words. I used to be so articulate and analytical before all of the anxiety set in like it has. Now I just feel stupid and confused all the time.

Has anyone else felt like this, to this degree? Is there hope out there? I'm still searching for a therapist, but I've been through 4-5 now and I can't find any that are worth seeing and it seems to take FOREVER to get appointments scheduled.

The main concern I have that runs through my head is that I have lost the ability to think.. It feels like besides the anxious thought, my head is completely empty and I have a difficult time recalling anything else. Is this normal for anxiety, has anyone else had these issues?