Hi everyone. I started taking citalopram 20mg for social anxiety about 6 weeks ago. I'm now tapering off as it made my anxiety 1000x worse! I started having intrusive thoughts, followed by anxiety to checking I hadn't done anything bad to anyone in the middle of the night. The intrusive thoughts disappeared after a couple of weeks thankfully, but I feel like im locked in my own brain, my mind wont ever shut up unless I'm writing, sleeping or reading. Now I don't feel any emotions what so ever, I'm not sad, angry or upset. I can't cry or laugh. I feel empty. I font enjoy food but eat a little because I have to. My councillor thinks I'm depressed, but don't depressed people cry, and feel darkness? I just keep telling myself I will feel better and trying to stay positive about everything, but it's so hard faking how I feel to my husband, I say yeh I've had a lovely day etc and try and stay chatty, even though I don't want to chat mainly because I'm always thinking about why on earth I'm feeling like this. Does this last ever ? Any tips ?