Having posted on numerous occasions, most of you will be aware that I often talk about being shivery and trembling.

This coldness/shivery thing is in its own way quite diffiuclt to cope with.

I've come to realise that when I'm cold, I hunch my shoulders, creating tension, which in turn leads to pain. I don't understand why when I'm in a warm enough environment I should feel so cold. This morning after one of the best night's sleep I've had in ages, the bed to myself, quite warm enough, I found myself 'huddling', shoulders up into my neck. As soon as I realised what was happening, I forced myself to relax, but then immediately thought to myself "I'm cold". As I sit here I can feel a chill around my shoulders (seems to always be in the same place). Admittedly I've just come indoors after some outdoor jobs, and I'll probably feel better when I've had a hot shower.

I honestly believe that the warmth and light elements existing in our environment can make a vast difference to how we relax and hence how we feel.

Why I feel shivery so much of the time, I don't now - maybe the meds (I've been taking propanalol).

Anybody any thoughts or ideas on the above? Does anybody else experience similar shivering episodes.
