hello everyone,my name is bryan...a new member, i am not qualified to talk about medication,but i can talk about the relaxing power of the sound of rainfall.
as a child,i would go camping with my parents...we always camped a few miles from home in south wales,and it rained a lot, i would lay in the tent,listening to the sound of the rain on the canvass,and i felt wonderful.
years later,when at uni,three of us shared an attic flat...with a skylite...studying,partying,sleep was hard to come bye,and then it rained for two days,non stop.i just lay there listening to it hitting the skylite,and i felt wonderful.
eight years ago,i went through a divorce,i thought it was the end of my world,i still do sometimes,i was working 12hr shifts,and having trouble sleeping,i wont take sleeping tablets,so i thought back to my days of the rain...i bought a relaxation tape,you guessed,yes it was of rainfall...i would put on my headphones,snuggle under the duvet...and yes,once again,i felt wonderful.......just my thoughts,if this is of help to one person,then ime glad i wrote it...bryan