hi everyone

i was wondering if anyone could give me any info on stomach ulcers?
basically a few months ago i was admitted to hospital with severe stomach pain and being sick i had a ultrasound which didnt show anything and sent home
my gp then referred me to have the ultrasound re done a few weeks later only this time there was a galstone.
iv suffered severe heartburn for a few years its just this year iv had a horrible pain in middle top my tummy
i was then admitted to hospital last month for an ongoing problem whilst there i told them about the pain in tummy as id stated being sick again they just said it nothing but started me on 10 weeks of a ppi
iv seen my doc a few times last week when i saw him he said when did u have camera test done i was like i havent u said just take the 10 week treatment he then just changed my ppi to a stronger one
this weekend the pain is back and im freaking out about bleeding or perforation!

will being on the treatment protect me from problems? been on them 5 weeks
does it matter iv not had camera down? i had helibactor test that was neg
i dont know if im over reacting or i really should be worried