Forget about fear of spiders, thunders , fear of flying or fear of people.. I have the worst fear and this is ruining my whole life... i have a fear of having diarrhea in public .. It never happened, no accidents or whatever... i dont even know where i get this phobia but EVERYTIME i go outside i have this fear that i try to control..but it's still in my head.. i CAN'T ENJOY EATING ANYMORE ! Can you believe this ? I DON'T HAVE APETITE FOR EATING AT ALL... i think because this fear had entry my subconscious :( .. I want to gain weight because im a skinny , ugly boy but EVERYTIME i try to eat more i think .. what if this will give me diarrhea and crap myself? sounds funny i know but this is my whole life.. this is my main problem.. i can't enjoy life anymore.. It's funny but it's messing my head pretty severe. The thing that annoys me it's that this never happened but still i have a fear that may happen and i will not recognize the signs that my body tells. F*** my life NO FEAR OF DEATH , BUT FEAR OF GETTING STOMACH UPSET :|