I am on day 20 of fluoxetine and it beginning to have positive impact on my anxiety over the last couple of days.
However I am feeling really shaky and nauseas in the mornings and am wondering if it's the Fluzoetine that could be causing it?
I have been on anti biotics and thought that was causing the nausea but have finished them now and the nausea is still there.
I am due to see the GP for a follow up on Thursday. I have taken them once or twice before and did not suffer any side effects so I have been surprised how bad they have been this time. The first two and half weeks my anxiety was much worse and I have not been able to go to work or go out anywhere. Have not been able to eat and have lost almost a stone in weight since I started them.
I don't really want to give up or change as it feels like starting all over again - especially as I can feel my anxiety beginning to lesson a bit.