Hey all, so I've been on and off Citalopram for the last 15 years but it no longer wants to be my friend! I went back on it 18 months ago and relapsed twice while on it. Doctor tried increasing my dose about 6 months ago and it was horrific so I dropped back down and settled. After another episode last week I went back yesterday and he prescribed me 20mg of Cymbalta. I was on 20mg of Citalopram and he said to take nothing last night and start the Cymbalta tonight st 8:30. Bit concerned about side effects but then I'm having huge anxiety and feel shocking now so not sure how worse it could get. I've also got 2mg diazepam for the swap over if I need it.

Anyone got any positive stories of this tablet I would greatly appreciate it? (Please no horror stories, I don't think I could cope with them just now)

Looking forward to hearing from you lovely people! :-)

Jemma. X