I have been having panic attacks as I wake up in the morning. It started in January when I had one and then every couple of months. Since the beginning of September I have had one every single morning. They usually last 60-90 minutes and wipe me out for most of the day. I am on day 22 fluoxetine and day 2 Propranalol. The one I had this morning was particularly bad with chest pain and took me so long to get my breathing under control.
I am being investigated for heart issues and have had echo and loads of ECG's which aren't finding anything significant. They did find one short run of tachycardia (SVT) on a 24 ECG. Have been to A & E a few times and bloods are OK as well.
I am not feeling anxious or suffering panic attacks a at any other time apart from when I wake up in the morning and am beginning to think there must be more to it? Could there be an underlying health condition that could cause this?
Also I hav be ing feeling nauseous all month and have lost a stone in weight as I cannot eat but am wondering if this could be the flux.
I have started CBT and my GP just says continue with that at the flux. Beginning to scare me now as its not something I have ever suffered for before in my life. I am 57 and female and not been able to work since th beginning of September