I'm on 25 mg of pristiq for a month. I don't think I can take this anymore. I'm still having panic attacks, god they suck so bad. I'm sore, but I feel like this drug is giving me alot of energy and I don't want that. I already have too much energy from my major anxiety and I have major depression.

I think I want to stop this drug. I thought it was helping because my heartburn didn't hurt so bad after I started to take it, but I dont know, I don't trust it anymore. I'm still having panic attacks, I feel like I'm getting worse.

Can I just stop taking this drug? I don't want to take it anymore. I'm done.

I'm afraid of withdrawal, but like i cant stand to take the drug anymore, and being that its a low dose, im hoping it will just get better if I stop because it's not really helping. I don't know.

I'm suffering and I just dont know what to do. Medication is failing. I'm majorily depressed. I can't take the panic attacks anymore. I just want to fall asleep and sleep normally without having a panic attack.

I want to eat something and not fear heart burn.

I hate feeling intense pain all the time.

I'm so tired of taking deep breathes, i can never breath right and this has been going on for 2 years almost.

Do I continue to take it longer? Is 30 days not long enough? Its so hard because Im afraid of meds. I'm afraid they will make me worse and the last 3 Anti depressants Ive taken have made me worse.