I can't STAND the dentist, more so than the usual people disliking it. Going in there in 2-3 hours for some fillings, and I'm petrified.. The needle I gotta get before they do what they need to alone isn't the worst part but I feel AWFUL each time it happens, my fear has set in and it sucks.. I despise needles more than anything and do everything in my power to avoid them, even pushing back flu shots. From the sounds made during the filling, to the blood in my mouth I can't STAND dentists, I feel like I'm gonna cry!! I HATE it!! I'm sorry I just needed to vent, I'm shaking right now and I can't relax at all I don't want needles in my mouth or drills, this feels horrible. I don't know how a lot of people are so calm getting dental work done, but it kills me every time... I know not liking the dentist is common, but can anyone relate to the degree I hate it?