Ok, so for about 9 days now I have had a cough Idk if it's a virus or what had it 3 times now same time every year the joys about working in retail but last Thursday it was the the worst blocked nose coughing feel like shit feel a bit better now still feel a little blocked but I never had this pressure or feeling before I don't think it is sinusitis or anything like that.

Logical brain: Is saying it is related to this annoying cough and this what ever I've got.

Illogical side building up fast it's serious, it's serious menigitis, or a brain tumor :(.

It's my forehead it started at work today like it's sort of across and sometimes comes on both sides sometimes it hurts when i cough or bend over not all the time but I did google oh why?!. And it said A headache that comes on quickly when coughing or worse by it or bending down could be serious!!!.