I wasn't too worried until today but I've just realised that when you request a mandatory reconsideration you do not actually get paid during this time

I didn't know this and assumed I'd still get the assessment rate. I'm now really worried. I know I will never be left without food as my relatives wouldn't allow that, but I also know people wouldn't be willing to buy me new shoes etc or my makeup (which I know isn't an essential but it is when you have BDD and acne).

I feel ill and more so as from what I've read (on Google) most people appear to be deemed fit for work and then have to go through reconsideration then appeal. I appear quite confident in a 1 on 1 setting but as those closest to me will agree I am anything but. I'm dreading it now. I also have only one more therapy session left which is the day after my assessment so if I have to appeal or anything I'll have nowhere to turn.

I still get child benefit and child tax credits as I have a child under 16, but I've worked out after my weekly bills I'll have only £30 left and that doesn't take into account the extra heating costs now the cold weather is coming. £30 will be a push for food for 2 people never mind toiletries etc and it's Christmas very soon too.

I know I shouldn't worry as I may be lucky and get approval but from what I've read that's very unlikely. I also can't take anybody in the room with me as I can't speak about issues with others there (I won't even take anybody in my GP appointments) so I'm worried they'll misconstrue my words