Quote Originally Posted by anxious848 View Post
Hi Frankc I'm sorry you have to go forward with a colonoscopy. I found the build up to the procedure far worse than prep day and the actual procedure. I think at that point you're just ready to get it done and move forward! But I totally get it, I was terrified of the possible results even though my surgeon and GP were adamant it wasn't anything serious. Can I ask what your symptoms are?

My GP refused to do a fecal occult sample on me...she said because I'm anxious by nature I'm better off to just get a colonoscopy if I'm experiencing symptoms. She said there was a definite possibility of a false positive or better yet a positive due to hemorrhoids...she felt I would just get worked up. A positive fecal occult sample definitely doesn't mean it's something serious - just means you need further work up to rule certain things out!

The surgeon gave me my results as soon as I woke up in the procedure room. Then the nurse went over things with me before I left. Still waiting on the biopsy results but I imagine that will take a week or 2.

What is your prep like?

Stay positive!
Thanks so much for your reply. It's amazing how much good can came from a post such as yours. And I like how your GP thinks...she seems to really understand the effect these things have on folks like us. Is she taking new patients? lol

As for symptoms, just the positive sample in this case. That said, for some time I have had a sensitive stomach and after noticing undigested food (sorry) on a couple of occasions my anxiety went through the roof. Since then I became obsessive about "checking". I get a bloated feeling in the upper left part of my stomach at times and that feeling intensifies when anxiety builds. My GP suggested possible IBS.

My prep I guess begins next Monday with some dietary restrictions, then the 2 laxative pills and finally the PegLyte liquid the day before. Ugh...

How did you find that anyway?

Well, sorry for the novel here and I hope you will update after you get your good news in a week or 2. I know it will be a relief for you to move on