I've just joined up today, and read through a lot of previous posts as well as having a brief chat with the live peeps.

Now I've read quite a bit about people feeling like they have lump in their throat which won't go away, and this is certainly a symptom of anxiety.

I have this feeling everyday, feeling like this since I started suffering with general daytime anxiety about 4 months ago. About 2 months ago I sought out some self help material, learned to talk myself down from a Panic attack when I felt the urge rising. I even joined a gym and for a few weeks was getting everything back on an even keal.

However the problem with the feeling in my throat has got worse. While I've had a bottle of water in tow for the last 4 months (god only knows what people must think), its become a real problem.

The last few times I've been down my local shop, or even ventured out, I get the feeling I can't swallow. It then degenerates with me trying to swallow a couple of times, nothing being swallowed, and straight into a full blown Panic attack in seconds. Like going from mild ill-ease to get me out of hear now !

I was begining to cope a lot better prior to this onset about 3 weeks before Christmas. As it is, I'm now fearful that I can't talk myself down because it comes right out of nowhere *bang*.

Such has become the extent of the problem, that I haven't left the house for the last 3 weeks. A jolly old Christmas was had by all, unfortunately minus myself.

I have other symptoms beside, but its this one "out of the blue" panic that I'm finding most difficult to live with. While I appreciate and know its a symptom of my condition, I feel absolutely helpless when it strikes.

I was wondering if anyone else with a simlar problem may have found a coping mechanism which I could give a try ? Its a New Year, I'd like to get out again, and realise the longer I don't the higher the mountain that will have to be climbed.

Any ideas ?
