Hi all, I've been having a seriously hard time recently, trying to distinguish between these funny feelings in my head and sometimes body, google says its 'brain zaps'.
I am not familiar with this as I can't really tell if it feels anything like an 'electric shock' as I've never been electrocuted or anything like that.
I may try describe what it feels like and see if it sounds familiar???
It feels sort of like a 'blow' to the head, but it happens deep within my head/brain? Like a tremor or blow deep within my head that's extremely alarming, it doesn't happen for long, just a second, don't know if that makes enough sense? Its a really scary feeling & it's followed by some dizziness and panic too but that's the just feeling that scares me. No confusion, slurred speech or anything like that. It happens mostly at night when trying to rest and sometimes when I'm really tired.
What scares me the most is I found them in a lot of epilepsy forums, I believe that these 'brain zaps', although most of them described there don't really suit my description very well, have a lot to do with 'seizure activity'? A girl explains how she had experienced 'intense brain zaps' years prior to her g/m seizures, don't know how old she was, now this really frightened me as I'm terrified of losing control/consciousness of any sort especially seizures. I'm wondering if this is a sign of trouble (to my brain) or just my anxiety? Or what I'm describing is something completely different?
I suffer from anxiety disorder, 8 months now, chronic stress, I am extremely hypersensitive and have blood pressure problems too, all apparently from my panic attacks. I do experience a lot of dizziness/ is it vertigo? The difference still confuses me, and was told nothing serious after tests. Not on any meds. Anybody familiar with this I'd very much appreciate your feedback.