Hi All,

Had blood tests yesterday at 10am and just had a phone call saying i need to see a dr to discuss results but not urgent and can be in the next two weeks!!! #

Now considering the results weren't meant to be back until Friday earliest maybe Monday the fact the hospital have phoned the dr's within 24 hours to say something is wrong seems kinda urgent to me!!

Like I'm going to wait 2 weeks with this hanging over my head! I've been off work 2 weeks sick with many symptoms, so honestly it could be anything.
I'm already on high BP meds and the original test was to check my kidneys but due to illness and personal circumstances she decided to test me for pretty much everything under the sun, think it was a tube of every colour for the bloods. So could be anything

The palpatitations I just had while they were ringing wasn't fun!

Ofc the dr's have no appointments so going to try and ring for one tomorrow :(

So scared