Hi all. I recently posted about my fears of having ALS, which haven't gone away at all of course. I'm waiting to hear from my GP about when my appt with neuro will be and then going from there. This will certainly be the longest waiting game that I've ever played. The title of this post is probably misleading to say the least. I do truly believe that I have ALS, however, should by some miracle I do not then I will have no choice but to chalk up all of these feelings to anxiety as I can't imagine what else it would be given all of my other diagnostic tests have been negative. I'm more than familiar with anxiety, it might as well be my middle name. I know all of the symptoms and I know it can make you feel however it wants to make you feel. This just seems very different to me, like I can feel deep down in my gut that something just isn't right. I take xanax for my anxiety and it's not like when I take it everything stops, although I wish it did because then it would be an easy fix. Why do I think I have ALS? Body wide fascics that have gone on for two weeks now, randoming cramping of mostly my thighs and calves as well as stiffness in them too after having done nothing physical, right wrist now tight, feels like objects as light as a spoon and fork are heavy and hard to get a grip on properly, some random buzzing of the feet but rarely, some random shots of tingling at various parts of my body. Anyway, to the original point, if that is all somehow some massive coincidence and it's nothing but anxiety which i can't see how that's possible, then i will determine that my anxiety is awful and i will see a counselor regarding it. If anxiety can do all of this, then I need more help than anyone here can provide and I realize that. I'm nervous that it is what i think it is and that i'm nothing short of doomed, but we'll see what neuro says. I'll get through it one way or the other, either by way of death via ALS or overcoming my anxiety through therapy.