Quote Originally Posted by Phill2 View Post
Great to hear things are looking up
Thanks Elen and Phil! You have no idea how thankful I feel to be back to some type of normal me.

I had a bit of a scare last night, the Nortriptyline is a tricylic and they are known for causing cardiac problems. My resting heart rate is usually high 50's, low 60s. Last night it was 90 and really pounding. I finally got in touch with the psych and she told me, they aren't usually worried until your pulse goes over 120bpm. It has gone down today to 70. It is just a 'not right' feeling when your sitting on the couch relaxing and your heart feels like it's beating out of your chest. I really feel that this medication is working for me so I'm hesitant to change it, especially with everything I've been through and trying so many medications already. In saying that, any heart problems can be serious. So I will keep an eye on it and I think if it goes over 100 while at rest then I will need to reconsider if I want to keep taking it. Overall, mood is still great and I'm looking forward to a week away at Kingscliff with the family. I can safely say that 2016 has been the worst year of my life and I'm looking forward to a fresh start in 2017.