Hi everyone, I haven't been on here for a while cos my computer is playing up but hope you all had a good xmas and new year.

Just needed an outlet for some of my thoughts and feelings about having panic and agoraphobia during the years when I should be going out having fun.

For anyone who doesn't know I've had PAs for 4 years and now spend much of my time at home. I am not housebound and do go out as much as I can, usually with my mum, and am trying to 'desensitize' myself, but I have had a lot of setbacks and problems.

I hardly see my friends anymore because they're busy going to parties and doing college work (so we don't have much in common anymore either). Despite my constant worrying and stress, I still feel lonely and would really like to enjoy some form of a normal life. I mean how am I ever going to meet anyone, and even if I did, who would want to date someone who can hardly leave the house.

I've pretty much given up hope on meeting a boyfriend until I get better, but I don't know how long that will take and the thought of lonliness for another 4 years makes me miserable.

I welcome replies from anyone, and especially from someone of similar age who is coping with anxiety too. Thanks for reading.

Lucy -x-

Our greatest fear is not that we are inadequate, but that we are powerful beyond measure.
-Marianne Williamson