Hi, I just wanted to list my throat symptoms and see if anyone can rationalise this for me, as my head is all over the place and I'm convinced I have throat cancer! I'm a 30 year old guy, smoke about 10 a day at the moment, (that will be stopping as soon as this scare is dealt with either way.) It all started with a horrendous sore throat, and a couple of choking episodes, but now, my symptoms are:

- Difficulty swallowing, food always goes down, but it is a right struggle.
- Various pains in jaw and neck.
- Weight loss, I've lost 2st in the last 3 months.
- Loss of appetite.
- Major fatigue and muscle weakness.
- Fullness after only eating a tiny meal. (or I leave half a meal)
- Food / Drink only feels like it goes down the left side of my throat.
- Food feels like it hits something on the way down.
- Enlarged papillae at sides and back of tongue.
- Grinding noise sometimes when I swallow, worse if it's just my saliva.
- Wheezing when I take deep breaths lay down at night.
- Constant high anxiety, as in, absolutely petrified.
- Swollen lymph node on the right side of my neck (although I do have a cold at the minute too)
- Pain under left side of ribs and down left flank at night, like having stitch.

I have seen my doctor, and he said looking at the notes I had from a scope 3 years ago, when I had a little globus, my age, and mental health, he says I have Silent Reflux and has given me an antacid. I have been on that 3 weeks with no improvement. He can't see the need for another scope.

I would love to think it's all just anxiety related, but they seem too real and specific to rationalise. Any input would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!