
First of all, sorry for my long absense. Since the break up of my boyfriend I wanted to leave here for a bit as I was scared that the panic attacks would come back, again! I hope everybody had a great Christmas and New Year

So anyway, yesterday I was on the train coming home from college and I was deleting my texts. I started feeling like the oxygen in the train was getting low and that there was no fresh air. I didn't think much of it until I started to become shakey. I decided to get the bus back to my house so I get home and be safe.

My symptoms got worse and I got more of them. Then at 11pm BANG I had a panic attack. It wasn't a big one, but it was uncomfortable. I woke up today feeling very tired and run down.

All throughout today I have been feeling like ... well ... crap. I'm quiet, shakey, breathless and very twitchy. This was my first random panic attack and it's confusing me. I'm happy, so why am I panicking?

Two last questions:
1- Is this something to be concerned about as I was not scared or anything before the attack and
2- Is it normal to feel like crying when you don't feel depressed, after an attack?

My teddy, last night, was a paper bag to keep my safe.