My anxiety disorder started around 10 months ago after my first panic attack when having some drinks. My anxiety continued, 2 months later I found out I was pregnant, guessing about a month...
During my pregnancy I had no panic attacks, but anxiety symptoms still remained leaving me constantly edgy. Even though my pregnancy progressed well until about 30 weeks my anxiety has come back severely and my panic attacks have continued. I was dissapointed but hoping it is just the pregnancy and I may hopefully come around after I give birth.
It has become so bad to the point where I just want to self induce, I'm 36 weeks along, or scedule a c section or induce labour cause of how uncomfortable I feel. I have a heavy feeling of pressure in my head, dizziness and a sensation of weakness and internal shaking which scares me. I am anemic which could be the cause? I feel edgy all day and constantly feel like I'm dying, I have terrible mood swings and very irritable, I just hope to god its just the pregnancy and it will get better after birth even tho I'm at a greater risk of pna/pnd. I do stress a lot about finances and worry about labor. I also became bed driven, afraid of leaving my house and hardly exercise or even move. Is all this normal? My pregnancy is doing well though, I feel movement and baby is doing well to my relief, I just can't seem to shake this bad anxiety. Any help?