I looked at the old thread months ago when I was trying to find out more about magnesium supplements. Many of my symptoms eg. Twitching and burning legs and feet, nausea etc etc seemed to fit in with mag. Deficiency and I was desperate to try anything. I did realise from my internet searches that magnesium supplementation was being strongly advised by people with a financial interest in it, either selling the mag. , or the books written about it.
Nevertheless there were some good reccomendations and reviews for it, so I decided to give it a go. As I was advised by a very knowledgeable contributor to this forum, getting the correct form and dosage of supplement can be tricky.
I went for magnesium citrate, but you have to check how much elemental magnesium you are getting per tablet , as the citrate forms part of the tablet. I also had Epsom salt baths 4 or 5 times a week. Added to this I used magnesium oil. This went on for about 5 months. I noticed no improvement at all. From what I,ve read, an improvement should have been noticed within a few weeks. Maybe I,m not deficient, maybe magnesium oil used cannot really be absorbed transdermally?
I,m sure there is no ham in giving it a go tho, hopefully it will work for you. Just be careful if you use mag. Citrate , build it up slowly to avoid urgent toilet trips.
Best wishes