Quote Originally Posted by TimeSoup View Post
If you doubt the conclusions of your former GP go ahed and seek another appointment with some other pratician. I would highly recommand your hop directly for a gastroenterologist as to quest for the guy in charge with belly stuff.

I respectfully disagree with seeking further reassurance with medical professionals just because of doubt. I've seen a few posts where you've recommended that and that just feeds the beast IMO. The OP has been to several doctors and had several tests. And when will the cycle end? What if the OP gets another "all clear" and doubts that? That's happened here more times than I can count. There was one member who believed he had lymphoma for over 5 years and went so far as to have an invasive biopsy to remove shotty nodes (from poking and prodding) and that was negative. He STILL didn't believe it.

Now I'm not saying something physical is not going on here. I am implying it's not the sinister thing that the OP believes it is. It could be a number of benign yet very real and uncomfortable ailments associated with anxiety like IBS. Should things like that be investigated? Sure, and there are things one can do like take note of their eating habits and diet, make sure to stay hydrated and such that can improve symptoms but running to the doctor and seeking 2nd opinions after several have already been given just keeps the individual in an anxiety cycle.

I'm not a doctor nor a mental health professional. Just someone who has seen this cycle ad nauseum over the last several years.

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