Hey all,

So I was on zoloft for years when I was younger. I quite about 3 years ago because I began to get worried about the long term effects of being on an SSRI, even though I really wasn't experiencing any symptoms. I lost about 30 to 40 pounds since quitting, and for the first year or so I was doing OK. However, over the past year I've been having almost constant anxiety, with physical symptoms like headaches and lightheadedness, and It's gotten to the point where I decided to make a therapy appointment to try and work on these issues.

However, I know that one of the things we'll definitely be discussing will probably be medication. Last time I had therapy about two years ago I decided to not take any medication because I was nervous about side effects, particularly those involving memory, cognition, motivation, and as vein as it sounds weight gain. However, this time I am in a worse place, and may need to take medication...

Does anyone know of any good medications that don't have any of these worrying symptoms? The main reason I'm worried about these is because I'm worried it will make my grades slip if the symptoms are bad enough.