Hey people,

I'm new to the forum and I just wanted to share my experience and ask for advice, because I'm doing terrible at the moment. I'm diagnosed with GAD and depression and I'm suffering from Obsessive thoughts since middle school. I wasn't diagnosed with OCD though, I never talked to my psychiatrist about my thoughts because they seemed irrelevant in comparison to my anxiety disorder. I had harm and sexual compulsive thoughts everyday and I think I had HOCD too. I worried about being homosexual when I went to bed and couldn't sleep until 6 a.m. trying to figure out what sexual identity I have. So I'm pretty sure I'm suffering from pure O.

My new devastating obsession is that I questioon reality all the time. It started when my anxiety was very bad a few weeks ago, I was laying in bed and imagined I was the only person in the universe. The thought terrified me and I felt so lonely and panicked a lot. From this moment everything went down. Everytime I'm with people it is like they're not really there and I feel so alone, I also panick sometimes when the thoughts become so overwhelming. I know that this thought is irrational and stupid, but the fact that nobody can prove it wrong drives me insane. I'm feeling like I've opened the Box of Pandorra and there is no way to go back to normal. I'm feeling so hopeless at the moment. I'm so scared that it's psychosis and that I will live like this forever. I just want to get out of this nightmare.

I will see my therapist tomorrow and I hope she will give me an advice. I'm medicated with Mirtazapine (30mg) and Escitalopram (10mg).