I have been a member for a while now but never actually posted. I recently went to the doctor when i noticed a lumpier area on one of my breasts. I was referred for an ultrasound which I had just monday past. The doctor examined me and said both breasts looked and felt normal but she would ultrasound the area of concern, all came back clear, just normal breast tissue. I was relieved, for around a day. I noticed in the mirror when I lift my arms what appears to be a small dent (or stretchmark) on one of my breasts - the same one that was scanned just a few days ago. I know i should be relieved with already having the all clear but I can't stop worrying that maybe it was something the doctor/ultrasound did not see.
I've booked in with gp next week because I need to get my anxiety sorted, its an awful feeling but I don't know whether to mention this dent on my breast given that I've just been checked out.