Just wanted to post on here and see if anyone has had any similar experiences and could maybe give me some tips.
I started celexa almost 2 weeks ago because the past year and a half my anxiety has been so bad I could barely function. I am seeing some improvements so I am pretty optimistic at this point. Heart palpitations and panic attacks have stopped!! but I still have really bad anxiety just in general. I still am really uncomfortable driving long distances, feel spaced out in crowds, and feel clausterphobic in certain situations. Another thing is I used to travel a lot and it was my passion but now all of a sudden for the past year I am scared to get on a plane, bus, any type of public transport for some reason, just the thought of it makes my anxiety crazy! Do you think when my anxiety gets better those fears will subside or have I developed phobias of flying, etc...?
Anyway, I just thought I would share a little bit about my experiences so far and update every couple of days if no one minds