I have been taking 10mg of ami for headaches for a week and 4 days now but am getting some side affects that I'm worried about and I'm not sure if I should persist with them or not.
It started on Wednesday (a week after starting them) with tingling in my left hand, the next day I then had bad aching in my left arm and still had the tingling in my hand plus I had started to get pains in my chest. The chest pains have continued over the weekend and still have them today. My arm still aches although not as much as it did but is uncomfortable. My chest pains are sometimes in the middle of my chest and sometimes to the left side of my chest. I forgot to mention I have also had some breathing difficultys with this (mostly on the Thursday and Friday but still a bit today).

The ami has not yet helped with my headaches at all but I know it can take a while but i'm not sure if I should come of them with these side effects or to stick with them and see if they go, I'm a bit worried that they can course heart problems.

I have taken ami before a couple of years or so ago for sleeping problems for about a month and didn't have these side effects then so I wasn't worried about taking them this time until these side effects started.

Any thoughts?