I have been having concerns about my health for over a month, I first found a lump on my head which turned out to be a bacterial infection, okay so thats solved. Then as we walked to the car as I felt relieved and was jubilant a three day headache came on, one which caused stress and pain, lost diet didn't eat dinner etc etc. Then it just went away, numbness came and went, now its headaches and dizzyness, it is now school holidays and have been going to bed at around 12 AM or 1 AM at most 2 looking up symptoms on the internet, trying to find an answer. I went on the smart health app to get chatting with local GP's whose opinions contradicted each other, all just simply said "Visit your GP", while trying to explain I have been twice for differing symptoms in the last two months or so. I am having trouble with chest pain as well as ribs my headaches come and go throughout the day, though they are not painful enough for me to fetch basic medical remedies.


Also, its worth mentioning the headaches occur on both sides of my forehead, near my temple (sometimes the actual temple) and just above my eye. Eyes hurt also, for some reason my eyelids have thickened.