Sick of feeling low. The last time I remember being happy was when my daughter was a baby and I was in my late teens. I'm 28 now and painfully unhappy. However, at least I'm not sitting crying and feeling deathly 24/7.

I get days where I think, screw other people, I am who I am and won't change for anybody, then a small comment will be made and I'll go back to square one and feel massively inferior to everybody else.

I also have BDD and am hopefully getting therapy specifically for that in upcoming months, but it's currently worse than ever and I wish I never had to leave the house. My skin is horrendous and I've had an almost permanent breakout since February. The longest I've ever had. Usually I get a 2/3 week breakout once or twice a year. Getting fed up. Feel so self conscious, caught sight of myself in a mirror in a shop the other day and genuinely laughed out loud at the state I was in. My hair was a frizzy, curly mess (was very windy that day), I wear trampy shoes and a big black coat every single day. I genuinely thought it was hilarious to see myself in such a state as it just shows how little I can be bothered lately. Suppose you have to laugh about it sometimes.