I am in such a terrible place at the moment- I am trying not to cry as I write this as my toddler is next to me on the sofa 😪😪
I have a long history of sometimes crippling health anxiety, but for the last three years it has been a bit more under control but..... now it is back and I almost can't bare to keep going.
I am terrified I have ALS and my children are going to have to watch me die a hideous death. It all started when I tripped over a stump on Arun a few months ago. Since the. I have noticed weirded muscle twitching- my eyelids and frequently a muscle in my thumb.
However because I don't have any muscle weakness I have started thinking I have bulbar onset: I have started to find swalllowing hard, like with dry bread I have to swallow twice to get it down and two days ago I was drinking coffee and it went down the wrong way and I choked. And I am obsessed with the idea that my voice is slurred. My family says it is normal but I keep recording myself saying tongue twisters and listening to them again and again... it's awful. Now I think perhaps my voice is nasal - another symptom! 😱😱😱😱
And a few times when I breat in through my mouth a little speck of saliva goes down my windpipe and I cough- for some reason this causes me to feel really sure I have ALS.
I am SO scared. I can't bare this ..... Has anyone had similar fears????