I'm sure you guys know the deal with anxiety - there's always some symptom that I'm fixated on. I currently have a lot of free time in my schedule so that makes thing worse for me, but right now, it's my weight.

I'm 25, short (5'4") and stick thin. I don't weigh myself all that often but I remember last summer and fall that I weighed maybe 113-114 lbs when I checked the scale, and it seemed pretty consistent no matter when I weighed myself.

I don't know when I started to obsess over my weight, but it seems I've been losing a bit of weight without trying to. My weigh has fluctuated between 109-112 when I've checked lately. I try to do it at the same time in the afternoon every day for a baseline. I was 107.5 lbs when I checked this morning.

I know it doesn't seem like a huge amount of weight, but 5 lbs is basically pushing 5% of my body weight. I told myself last week that I'd stop looking at the scale because it makes me anxious, and it was working - I felt a lot more relaxed. But on a whim, I checked the scale this morning before work and it read 107.5 lbs, so now I'm all anxious again.

I got full blood work a little over a month ago and everything looked normal. Not really any other symptoms on my end except a shortness of breath that comes and goes, but the pulmonologist ran chest x-rays and stationary breathing tests and all was normal. Have to go back for a stress test but he strongly suspects some sort of exercise induced asthma exacerbated by stress since I had asthma as a child.

Just thought I would unload that from my plate since I don't really talk to anyone about this in my life...