Tomorrow is the lovely nomorepanic’s birthday…….

I thought I would tell a few of the newer members or those who may not know her back story just a few things that make her quite a special lady.

Nic started Nomorepanic waaaaaaaaaaaay back in 2001, so 15 years ago now. It started as a few people suffering from anxiety to come together and help each other out by sharing their stories and basically just by talking to each other……. As you can see NMP has come a long way since then……

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I am sure a lot of us would be in a lot worse of place if it wasn’t for no more panic!!

Nic herself has MANY different health worries, back in 2008 she suffered a major crohns flare up and was in a hell of a lot of pain, she was in hospital for about a week and then came home and suffered a heart attack!!! (which has left her with a damaged heart) which then left her in hospital for another 8 weeks after suffering abscesses on her bowels and several holes in her bowels. She then had a drain in her abdomen for 6 months to drain the pus off. …..

Nic’s old threads explain a lot, take a look if you have 5 minutes…

Since then Nic has added many different health worries on to the top of these BUT she still manages to run (and pay for) no more panic and brings together so many people with mental health problems to help them solve their issues…… I think NMP is a brilliant resource and I have made many great friends through it, I think many others would feel exactly the same 😊

So those who didn’t know why ‘Our Nic’ was such a special person I hope I have gone a little way into describing why she is so special to me and to the No More Panic community…

Thank you so Much Nic for all that you do , Thank you for becoming one of my very closest friends
(we have the same very weird humor and
both have no problems discussin poo haha) I wish you a very very happy birthday…. I hope you have a lovely time with your family and I will see you next weekend to continue your birthday celebrations xxxxxxxxxxxx