hello, everyone.
First of all I'd like to say I'm from Brazil, so excuse me for my english.

I'm 20 years old, female, "healthy". I was diagnosged with OCD in 2014, and have been suffering from it since I was 12.
Health anxiety is my major obssesion, I already "had" ALS, MS, brain tumor, Lyme and the list goes on.
But in the last month things started to get really weird.

One day, after eating I desenvolved a massive heartburn that lasted for 15 days.
I never had a heartburn, alone lasting 15 days!
So I started searching from causes and Scleroderma (Systemic Sclerosis) came up.
After the heartburn was cured, I started getting red spots on my hands. Another symptom of Scleroderma, telangiectasia.
And 3 days ago, my hands started burning from inside out and it won't stop.

I have to say, that my grandmother died from scleroderma, that's why I'm so worried!
I'm waiting the ANA's results but I'm waiting the worst :(

Did anyone ever had this fear or symptons?

And again, sorry for my english!