Hi there, this is my first post, so hello everyone

I have quite a specific problem. My anxiety manifests itself mainly in the stomach. This 'anxious stomach' has been pretty constant over the last four weeks, and quite severe. It kind of feels like persistent adrenaline in the upper stomach.

It is very debilitating, wearing me out. My breathing is affected, as it feels shorter and slightly weaker. Also, I have a poor appetite – I sometimes have to force myself to eat.

Another major concern is that I'm really not sleeping well. Typically, these last four weeks, I wake up at 4am/5am and cannot get back to sleep because of the anxiety 'in my stomach'.

I have experienced this before. Most notably back in 2014. Back then though I could pinpoint why it was happening (I've had to deal with horrendous things in my life with regard to the health of my immediate family). I avoided the medication route back then, receiving bereavement counselling and myself addressing the issues that I thought were exacerbating the problem.

I must admit that, since 2014, I do tend to overthink things and I worry far too much... a result of the events in my family life.

This time though, I'm not sure of the trigger. I was made redundant and do have career/money worries, but nothing I thought would cause such bad anxiety.

I have tried breathing exercises and meditation. It does help a little but the benefits are fleeting.

Anyone experience similar? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.