Quote Originally Posted by PixieP View Post
Hi Utah
How are you getting on now? Hope the meds have started to kick in now?
Pixie, you are so sweet to think of me and I am desperately hoping and praying (hope this is ok, but I am a religious man and that is how I do things) for you and your recovery! How are you, have you started the Effexor again?

I am doing ok, not sure if any better or worse, but holding steady. I have windows of time where I can almost feel my true self coming back, then a wave of anxiety closes the window haha. I do think eventually I will get there on the Paxil, but I think maybe the fact I quit cold turkey (was on the "lowest dose" of Zoloft at 50mgs, I figured I could just stop taking them) my nervous system may just be highly sensitive to SSRIs and they greatly increase my anxiety for a while. It may take longer than usual for me to get there due to this, but I am confident, given time, I will get there (if i can be patient...good luck right?) I have seen this theory of being sensitized to meds due to quitting cold-turkey, or quitting in general, being floated around the internet. Maybe Panic Down Under or Hanshan could weigh in on this as they seem to understand this stuff more than others. Anyway, it is still early (11 days at 20mgs) and I certainly have had some wins (felt almost normal at Father's Day BBQ at my Dad's) but my general anxiety has been VERY high the last 3-4 days. At times almost unbearable, but at times very manageable and I can feel myself coming back. Hopefully the good 'windows" continue to get more frequent and the "waves" get weaker and less frequent. I think the Pregabalin is helping me sleep and with the start-up anxiety, but I am waking early like I did on the other SSRIs (6AM though this time not the 4:30 or 5 on the Zoloft and Lexapro).

---------- Post added at 17:32 ---------- Previous post was at 17:16 ----------

I don't agree with a lot this site says, but this kinda sounds like us Pixie:


Again I would be interested in thoughts about this from people who know much more than I about these drugs. I am just an average guy trying to figure out what the hell happened to him.