
Much like yesterday, I've tried to remain positive. Hopefully this is a step in a good direction and things will finally start to make sense. As always though I am not going to speak too soon.

I woke up at lunch. Decided to make that first, then have a shower as the heat wasn't as bad today. I went about this slowly, watered the garden and the went for a walk in the afternoon. On my walk I was still quite concentrated on how I was moving my legs, but I couldn't be bothered to dwell heavily on it so just kept going.

I met Ma for a coffee, and just sat there quietly as I usually do. While I was sitting I was a bit concentrated on how parts of my hand seemed to move quite automatically when I was twirling my headphone cable, but again I just couldn't be bothered with it. Also talking to people is still odd and if I think deep down I still don't think it's me, but I'm getting on with it for whatever reason.

This evening I went for a walk and here I am sitting now typing this. It's been a nothing day again, but I'm happy with that for now as it makes me feel a little more comfortable. I am dreading the weekend when I may have to do more.

Therapy again tomorrow, if of course this is the real world. I will relay all of this information to the therapist, one of the people like everything else that I am yet to convince myself is real. Will see how it goes.