So I've been really really trying to reel in the health anxiety. So much so I have gone days without being on here which is huge for me.

Anyways, I've been mildly constipated and I have IBS too so this morning I finally was able to go out of nowhere and it was pretty hard and larger than normal and I felt some strain and mild discomfort. I looked after I wiped and bright red blood. It was light in color but there was quite a bit. Non in the bowl but just on the paper. I wiped a few more times while my heart was racing and I felt sick to my stomach and decided to come post here.

This has happened in the past and it's normally every couple months or weeks or so and I always say if it's consistent for two weeks I'll go see my doc but I'm freaking out. Does this happen to anyone else? Do you freak out too? I'm scared of bowel c soooo this makes me so very anxious.